Cause and methods of treating psoriasis on the head

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-infectious, inflammatory skin lesion with a negative impact on the quality of life of patients ("Psora" from the Greek - scales). Hence, like many other diseases, the first observations of psoriasis were described. This term was introduced by Galen, one of the key researchers of medicine.

The skin signs of psoriasis created confusion among people and healers, because leprosy was widespread at the time, with dire consequences. Patients with psoriasis were exposed to social pressure, were avoided, and were forcibly isolated. In Europe, such people were forced to warn others of their arrival by ringing the bell. Attempts at treatment consisted of pus, onions, sea salt, oil, urine, but all were ineffective and made psoriasis patients excommunicated.

Psoriasis of the head


The disease can occur at any age, but is more common in the age group of 49 to 69 years. The reported prevalence of psoriasis in countries ranges between 0. 09% and 11. 4%, making psoriasis a serious global problem.

Despite the widespread misconception that psoriasis is not as serious as other non-dermatological conditions, psoriasis creates a burden of disease that extends far beyond dermatological symptoms. Its psychological effects are similar to cancer, heart disease, diabetes. Psoriasis plaques are often visible, which can negatively affect interpersonal relationships, school or work success. Not surprisingly, people with psoriasis have higher rates of depression with an increased number of suicidal thoughts.

Patients with psoriasis are also at risk of developing serious comorbidities that will complicate disease control and increase the risk of early death. Cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome are more common in patients with psoriasis.

In addition, psoriasis is itself a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, tripling the relative risk of developing myocardial infarction. Severe psoriasis is also associated with an increased risk of mortality, which results in a reduction in life expectancy by 3, 5 and 4, 4 years for men and women, respectively, compared to people without psoriasis.

Posriasis on the scalp


There have been many theories about the origin of psoriasis. It is the influence of microbes, viruses, allergies, poor hygiene, disturbed skin supply to the skin, dysfunction of the internal organs, and one of the most urgent at this time is the autoimmune nature of the disease, when human immune cells attack their own tissue. And even this assumption remains a theory, because so far no antibodies have been found that damage the skin in patients with psoriasis.

Currently, the cause of the pathology remains unknown. But during the research, the scientists identified factors that, with a certain degree of probability, can cause psoriasis.

The following points are distinguished:

  • Heredity. There is no 100% chance that even if the mother and father are sick, their child will necessarily suffer from psoriasis. But in such a situation the risk of getting such pathology is higher. It has also been observed that if there is one patient among identical twins, the other twin is more likely to become ill than compared to the usual risk in the population. This proves that this nosology has a genetic precondition.
  • Skin injuries: accidental knife cuts, cat scratches, mosquito bites, sunburn increase the risk of triggering a new outbreak.
  • Infections: Staphylococcal, streptococcal and other infections can also act as triggers. Children often have streptococcal tonsillitis before the onset of cutaneous manifestations of psoriasis.
  • There are medications that can trigger the disease, for example, anti-malarial medications, some anti-depressant medications.
  • Changing your HIV status to positive can also boost the development of psoriasis. Therefore, HIV testing for suspected psoriasis is not uncommon.
  • Stress. The most famous trigger for laymen. "It's all because of stress" - every patient with psoriasis has heard this phrase at least once. Some people doubt this phrase, but it has its justification. Scientists believe that our immune system can respond to emotional and mental pressures, as well as physical deficiencies such as trauma and infections.
  • Being overweight systemically negatively affects the whole body, and if an obese person has a history of psoriasis, treatment is more difficult and often less effective.
  • Smoking. It has long been noted and it is no secret that cigarettes negatively affect the condition of the skin. Hence the likelihood of causing psoriasis, especially the head and arms are damaged.
  • Alcohol is one of the common single triggers of psoriasis.
  • Hormonal changes. The disease often manifests itself at puberty. Menopause can also cause psoriasis, but during pregnancy, a reduction or even complete regression of plaque is noticed.


In 50% of cases, psoriasis is felt from the head. Psoriasis can occur anywhere on the head. Sometimes small plaques develop that are easy to hide in the hair, but when the entire scalp is covered, it is difficult to hide the plaques.

The appearance of psoriasis on the head will manifest as follows:

Psoriasis on the head through a magnifying glass
  • Reddish spots on the scalp. Some spots can be subtle due to fading, but there are also bright red elements that are easy to see.
  • Shells that peel off psoriatic skin. The condition of the scalp in this pathology can resemble ordinary dandruff. But there are differences, so, for example, with psoriasis, a silvery glow is noticed, and it can be accompanied by itchy skin.
  • Dry scalp. The scalp can be so dry that the skin will crack and bleed, which will create the conditions for the addition of infection, the treatment of which in such a localization has certain difficulties.
  • Itching. This is one of the most common symptoms. Some experience mild itching, which the patient may forget in daily activities, and some so severe itching that work, study, and even sleep are impossible.
  • Bleeding. Because psoriasis of the scalp can itch, the patient can scratch the skin and damage it. In addition to bleeding, scratching can worsen the course of psoriasis making the plaque larger and thicker. That's why dermatologists tell their patients, "Try not to hurt your scalp. "
  • Gori. The patient can describe his scalp as literally “burning”.
  • Hair loss. Scratching the scalp, using force to remove scales can lead to hair loss. Although this phenomenon is temporary, it can still cause discomfort to the patient.

These clinical manifestations can rapidly increase and collapse. This is an individual process. In one patient the whole pathological process will end up on one pale plaque under the hair, while in others it will have many bright foci all over the head. This is influenced, among other things, by the triggers described above.

A number of problems the patient may face:

  1. Skin manifestations visible to others. Living with psoriasis can make a person shy. Any aspect of social life can be stressful for these people, like holding hands in a meeting.
  2. Finance. Treating psoriasis can be expensive. This is more true of widespread psoriasis resistant to conventional therapy, for which new drugs based on monoclinic antibodies are used.
  3. Bol. Chronic pain can occur with psoriasis, which further increases stress levels. This will be especially true when skin manifestations are combined with inflammation of the joints, and at the same time they reduce a person's daily activity.
  4. Treatment. Especially when the patient asks for help late, some procedures do not have the expected effect, which, of course, worries the patient, emotionally oppressing him. Other procedures can take a long time. For example, you may need to receive phototherapy 3 times a week for up to a year. For some, such a regime will be difficult to reconcile with the standard rhythm of life.
  5. Life with a chronic illness. Psoriasis, like many other chronic pathologies, requires great voluntary effort. The patient finds it difficult to face a series of additional problems that have “fallen on his head”. This creates the conditions for the onset of depression.
Diagnosis of psoriasis of the head


The decision on whether to visit a doctor depends on the patient, depending on the severity of the symptoms. However, the best solution, regardless of the localization of the plaque, would be to visit a doctor. In order for further treatment to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis, even if the symptoms are mild.

In most cases, scalp psoriasis is diagnosed after a physical examination and analysis of the anamnesis.

A dermatologist is able to diagnose scalp psoriasis by examining the pathological elements of the skin.In exceptional cases, the patient may be advised to undergo a skin biopsy to rule out other diseases.


Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for this disease. Therapy is needed throughout life and is aimed at maintaining remission. In addition, caring for patients with psoriasis requires not only skin treatment, but it is also very important to control existing chronic diseases and prevent new ones.

These conditions include cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases and psychological health.

Treatment goals:

  • Achieve the patient's clinical recovery as soon as possible;
  • Remission must be stable and long-term;
  • Maintaining a positive psychological status of the patient.


Treatment traditionally begins with diet. Foods that contain antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, beta-carotene (vegetables, fruits, sage, ginger and others) can play a positive role, as can omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in salmon, sardines and other fish.

The link between alcohol and psoriasis is unclear, but experts say people who drink less respond to treatment and that remissions of psoriasis last after alcohol abuse has stopped. In addition, some antipsoriatic drugs are not compatible with alcohol.

A clearer correlation with overweight is observed. In obese people, as a rule, the pathology progresses faster with a brighter clinical picture.


Hair makes the treatment of scalp psoriasis especially difficult. Few people agree with hair removal to more effectively address the clinical manifestations of the disease, especially given the fact that the defects will be even more noticeable to others.

Conventional hair care products are not suitable in this situation, as they can further irritate the scalp, contributing to the progression of the pathology. Therefore, tar shampoos are used whose effectiveness in combating scalp psoriasis has been noticed for a long time.

Tar has a “calming” effect on the scalp epidermis, inhibiting the formation of scales. In addition, shampoos with phenolic acid are used because it has a keratolytic effect (destroys thick horny scales). Plus it is used to increase the penetration of other drugs, including corticosteroids.

When prescribing shampoo, the individual characteristics of the person in hair hygiene are taken into account. For example, some women do not wash their hair every day, so it would be best to apply the solution to the hair before bed 2-3 times a week, followed by washing the hair in the morning.


Phenolic acid can also be used alone as an ointment. The fact that the ointment is applied for a relatively long time increases its effectiveness with hyperkeratotic properties. And for patients who complain of difficulty separating scales from their hair, applying ointment before showering can help address this situation.

Coal tar


Carbon tar has been used as a treatment for psoriasis for several decades due to its antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory and strong antipruritic effects.

Although raw coal tar is the most effective resin. Applying raw stone tar to the scalp is problematic. It is generally recommended to use a resin solution (5-20%) formulated as a lotion or added to a corticosteroid. This drug helps to fight psoriasis, but has a number of side effects: coloring, thinning hair and a more serious negative effect - carcinogenic, which is why the use of this method is limited.

For example, because of this, coal tar is banned in Canada and the European Union.


Of all the available topical treatments, corticosteroids have been shown to be most effective in clinical trials of scalp psoriasis and are the most commonly prescribed treatments. Corticosteroids are also suitable because there are a large number of forms of production in any situation: creams, lotions, ointments, oils, gels, foams, solutions, sprays and shampoos.

Do not underestimate the importance of psychological harmony in this pathology. Stress can become a trigger, causing a detailed clinical picture, and slow down the healing process. Therefore, patients with internal anxiety are advised to consult a psychotherapist, a psychologist.


It is important that a patient with psoriasis first and foremost follow the doctor's advice, but despite this, by following the simple rules that will be described below, you can further improve your quality of life:

  1. Use moisturizing lotions. Skin manifestations of the disease worsen significantly when the skin is dry, so it is important to keep the skin moist. Specialized cosmetic ointments, lotions or, for example, ordinary Vaseline can help you with that.
  2. Take good care of your skin with psoriatic plaques. When washing your hair, never peel the scales that are firmly on the skin, as you can only extend the procedure to nearby, healthy tissues.
  3. Be careful when trimming your nails. Cases have been described when accidental damage to the nail growth zone with manicure scissors caused the appearance of new skin elements.
  4. Find the right shampoo for yourself that does not peel on the skin for use on the scalp in remission. Or simply continue to use tar, only lower concentrations, for daily care.
  5. Climate can also play a role. It is noticed that the common cold has a negative effect on patients, causing the development of plaque. Sunny weather causes a decline in skin manifestations, but not always.
  6. Consultations with a dermatologist
  7. Use a humidifier. This can keep the skin moist and eliminate dry air which is bad for psoriasis patients.
  8. Do not take medications that may harm your skin. Your doctor should tell you about all the medications you are taking, even those that you think are harmless. For example, preparations containing lithium salts, which are contraindicated for patients with psoriasis, can be used to treat depressive conditions.
  9. Avoid all types of skin damage: scratches, cuts, bumps. Skin injuries can cause a condition called the Koebner phenomenon (when psoriatic elements develop along the line of skin damage). Be careful when shaving. Try to avoid acupuncture, avoid body tattoos and do everything you can to prevent insect bites.
  10. Try to appear in the sun, but in moderation. Ultraviolet rays in sunlight slow down the growth of skin cells, so a moderate dosage of UV rays is good (30 minutes is enough). Excessive sun exposure, paradoxically, can cause psoriasis. Also, keep in mind that certain medications can make your skin more sensitive to UV rays.
  11. Patients with psoriasis should reduce their anxiety levels. This is easier said than done, but relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga can be tried.
  12. Estimate how much alcohol you drink. The link between alcohol and psoriasis is not clear, but scientists still believe that it can worsen the symptoms, especially in men. It is well known that alcohol is dangerous in combination with certain medications for psoriasis.
  13. Balance your diet and try to lose weight. If you find it difficult to do this on your own, seek help from experts who can assess in which direction it is worth doing better.


By monitoring the progress of psoriasis, you can help the patient to better control his disease and take the necessary measures in time, as well as increase the productivity of the doctor-patient relationship. A few simple rules will help you do this:

  • Create a "self-portrait" of a psoriasis outbreak. A digital camera, smartphone or just a piece of paper will help you with this, where you can record all the changes that occur on the tiles. It is also worth noting where the changes initially occur and in what order they increase. For such introspection, the doctor will only praise you and know that you are determined. Over time, analyzing the images, situations with patterns can be identified, for example, an outbreak of the disease always begins with plaque in the back of the head.
  • Every time psoriasis progresses or progresses, try to find out what it is. Maybe times have changed? No more medicine? Are you taking a new medicine? Recently damaged skin? Such triggers may be single, making it difficult for the physician to understand without introspection of the patient (for example, aExacerbation of psoriasis on the headattack provokes a particular type of coffee).

Although the disease is not transmitted by contact, the appearance of patients scares those who do not know it. Beauty salons are afraid of providing services, some taxi drivers do not want to transport such people, it is difficult to get a job. Not to mention starting a family, and the fear that their children will be doomed to the same suffering prevents them from having children.

There are even cases when people with psoriasis are denied access to the Olympic pool in response to collective complaints from other athletes. The management had to reject such people, despite the fact that they perfectly understood that this pathology is not dangerous in an infectious sense.

It is difficult for them to engage in daily, everyday activities, because the burden of psychological pressure is great, and the person needs social contact. For these reasons, societies for the protection and support of psoriasis are being established in many countries. Companies are deployed to educate foreign people about this disease.

People should be judged by their actions, deeds, not by their appearance. Indeed, among patients with such nosology there are highly professional doctors, police officers, firefighters, athletes and many others, whose actions can be praised not only by their relatives, but also by their country.